The Different Kind of Paints And Their Uses


Paints have the capability to enhance the look of your house and also aid in renovating it beautifully. But do you know that paints are available in different types and offer distinct performances to improve the appearance of your place? Yes, you can find paints in different forms and after knowing the features of each type, it would become easier to select the best product for your application. So, here, check out the different types of paints and select the one that really suits you.


The base of this paint is white lead and is usually applied in three coats i.e. primer, undercoat, and finish. This kind of paint is available in two finishes such as matt and glossy. Being durable and affordable, oil paint is one of the most popular choices and is easy to apply and clean. You can commonly use this paint on walls, doors, windows, and metal objects as well.

In spite of having various benefits, these also have some disadvantages. Oil paint is not suitable for humid conditions and takes more time to dry completely.


This kind of pain has lead or zinc to varnish. You can get them in various colors with added pigmentations. This is a form of hard and glossy coating ad easy to clean. Talking about durability, enamel paints are very long-lasting, waterproof, and chemically resistant, to offer good coverage and color retention.

Enamel paints are used for various applications such as:

  • Interior and exterior of walls
  • Wood, doors, and flooring
  • Windows
  • Stairs
  • Concrete, plaster, glass, metals

However, these are slow-drying paints and require a titanium coating before application.


This type of paint uses binding materials such as polyvinyl acetate and polystyrene and also contains driers like cobalt and manganese. These are available on different bases such as water or oil and their pigments are used to make different shades of emulsion paints.

Emulsion paints dry fast and are hardened in nature and you can easily clean the surfaces with water. These paints are durable, offer good color retention, and alkali resistance. You can use this kind of paint for walls, ceilings, and masonry work.


You can get this kind of paint in powder form. It is easy to mix with water to achieve nice paint consistency. Cement paint has white or colored cement as the base and also contains pigments, accelerators, and other additives. This is a durable and waterproof kind of paint type and is commonly used in rough applications.


It is made from dissolved asphalt or tar and is available in black color. This paint is waterproof and alkali-resistant. However, if your place is exposed to the sun, this paint is not suitable for you as it deteriorates in sunlight.

This paint is used in underwater ironworks, concrete foundations, wooden surfaces, and iron pipes to provide rust resistance.


It is made by mixing aluminum particles with oil varnish. This paint is corrosion-resistant, electricity, and weather resistant also. Aluminum paint is used on metals and wood, gas tanks, oil tanks, water pipes, and radiators.


As the name suggests, this type of paint is chemical resistant and made from linseed oil, zinc chrome, and fine sand. You can get this in black color and this is durable in nature. It is easy o pockets and used for metallic surfaces and pipes.

These are some types of paints and their applications. Paints are used for visual appeal, surface durability, chemical protection, and pest protection. So, you can understand the types of paints and then make your adequate paint selection as per your requirements.
